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DAMA-RMC generally holds four Chapter meetings annually on topics pursuant to DAMA’s goals and has attained broad appeal in the region a resource for Information Resource Management.

Meetings include a variety of featured presenters, special interest group panels, case studies, technical showcases, informal round-table discussions, and offer opportunities for invaluable sharing between professionals in our field.

In 2023, DAMA-RMC transitioned to a paid membership model with exclusive professional member benefits and events. First meetings will always be free for DAMA-RMC guest members.

DAMA-RMC Quarterly Chapter Events

2025 Dates:

Most events are Fridays 2:30pm-5:30pm followed by happy hour!

  • Q1 - January 31
  • Q2 - April 18
  • Q3 - July 18*
  • Q4 - October 17*

*Tentative Dates - Check back for updated dates and times!

Event Registration Rates

Attendee Category

In Person



Professional Members*



Guest Members** (First Event is Free) $20 $10




Individual Vendors Representatives (All Events)

$50  N/A

*Events are complimentary for Professional Members.

**Professional & Guest Member pricing requires registration and log-in.

***Some events limited to Professional and/or Guest Members only. 

Event table/booth and other sponsorship opportunities available. See Sponsor Benefits for more information. Contact to book your space at a future events or if you are a hiring company representative and would like to attend to connect with potential employees. 

Registration now open for the next DAMA-RMC Event!

Join us for our upcoming Q2 chapter event on April 18th, 2025!

Delivering Data for AI. Trends & If AI predicts you'll commit a crime

See all event details and register HERE!

Our Events

    • 04/18/2025
    • 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
    • Klin. 2650 West Belleview Avenue Suite D-100 Littleton, Colorado 80123
    • 180

    Join DAMA-RMC 


    Delivering Data for AI. Trends, Requirements and Best Practices

    with Shawn Rogers


    If an AI predicts you'll commit a crime, what would your Data say?

    with Kamal Maheshwari

    When:  Friday, April 18th - 2:30pm-5:30pm 

    Location: Klin. 

    Address: 2650 West Bellview Avenue Suite D-100 Littleton, Colorado 80123

    Price :   Log-in to receive membership pricing!

    • Professional Members: Always Complimentary & Free!
    • Guest Members: First In-Person event $0, In-Person $20, Virtual $10
    • Non-members: In-Person $25, Virtual $15


    Delivering Data for AI. Trends, Requirements and Best Practices

    with Shawn Rogers


    Shawn Rogers is the CEO of BARC US and brings over 28 years of experience to the role. He is an internationally respected industry analyst, speaker, author and instructor on data, business intelligence, analytics, AI/ML and cloud technologies. His former executive strategy roles with Dell, Statistica, Quest software and TIBCO give him a unique perspective on the software industry. 

    About BARC

    BARC is a leading analyst firm for data & analytics and enterprise software with a reputation for unbiased and trusted advice. Our expert analysts deliver a wide range of research, events and advisory services for the data & analytics community. Our innovative research evaluates software and vendors rigorously and highlights market trends, delivering insights that enable our customers to innovate with data, analytics and AI. BARC’s 25 years of experience with data strategy & culture, data architecture, organization and software selection help clients transform into truly data-driven organizations.

    Linked In - Shawn Rogers

    If an AI predicts you'll commit a crime, what would your Data say?


    Kamal Maheshwari


    Kamal is a co-founder and CXO at Decube, the first unified Data Trust platform.

    Kamal Maheshwari has many years in the data space, from Oracle to Cloudera to Acceldata, and has realized that much has changed in data landscape except one thing. People still don't trust their data. This is a multi-dimensional problem requiring data discovery, governance, and observability.

    He is passionately building a solution for this problem at Decube, the first unified data trust platform.

    About Decube

    We are on a mission to make your Data Reliable & Discoverable
    Founded with a single goal in mind - to revolutionize the way businesses engage with their data, Decube is at the forefront of modern data stack solutions. As pioneers in data observability, data discovery, and governance, we bring to the table a platform that is intuitive, comprehensive, and designed to supercharge your data journey.
    We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries, fostering innovation, and driving a data-centric revolution for businesses worldwide. We are Decube - guiding data navigation, one modern data stack at a time. OBSERVE. DISCOVER. GOVERN. TRUST.

    Linked In - Kamal Maheshwari

    Other Details:

    Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. 

    Doors open at 2:00pm for networking and presentations begin promptly at 3:00pm.

    Event followed by

    “Pint of Data” Happy Hour

    Location TBD!

    Event table/booth and other sponsorship and job promotion opportunities available. See Sponsor Benefits for more information.

    Contact to book your space at a future event. 

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