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  • 10/25/2023 7:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Some organizations create an Enterprise Data Model (EDM) as a stand-alone artifact. In other organizations, it is understood as composed of data models from different perspectives and at different levels of detail, that consistently describe an organization's understanding of data entities, data attributes, and their relationships across the enterprise. An EDM includes both universal (Enterprise-wide Conceptual and Logical Models) and application- or project-specific data models, along with definitions, specifications, mappings and business rules.

    Adopting an industry standard model can jumpstart the process of developing an EDM. These models provide a useful guide and references. However, even if an organization starts with a purchased data model, producing enterprise-wide data models requires a significant investment. Work includes defining and documenting an organization's vocabulary, business rules, and business knowledge. Maintaining and enriching an EDM requires an ongoing commitment of time and effort.

    An organization that recognizes the need for an EDM must decide how much time and effort it can devote to building and maintaining it. EDMs can be built at different levels of detail, so resource availability will influence initial scope. Over time, as the needs of the enterprise demand, the scope and level of detail captured within an EDM typically expands. Most successful EDMs are built incrementally and iteratively, using layers. This figure shows how different types of models are related and how conceptual models are ultimately linkable to physical application data models. It distinguishes:

    • A conceptual overview over the enterprise's subject areas

    • Views of entities and relationships for each subject area

    • Detailed, partially attributed logical views of these same subject areas

    • Logical and physical models specific to an application or project

    All levels are part of the EDM, and linkages create paths to trace an entity from top to bottom and between models in the same level.

    • Vertical: Models in each level map to models in other levels. Model lineage is created using these maps. For example, a table or file MobileDevice in a project-specific physical model may link to a MobileDevice entity in the project-specific logical model, a MobileDevice entity in the Product subject area in the Enterprise Logical Model, a Product conceptual entity in the Product Subject Area Model, and to the Product entity in the Enterprise Conceptual Model.

    • Horizontal: Entities and relationships may appear in multiple models in the same level; entities in logical models centered on one topic may relate to entities in other topics, marked or noted as external to the subject area on the model images. A Product Part entity may appear in the Product subject area models and in the Sales Order, Inventory, and Marketing subject areas, related as external links.

    An enterprise data model at all levels is developed suing data modeling techniques.

  • 10/18/2023 7:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The most well-known enterprise architectural framework, the Zachman Framework, was developed by John A. Zachman in the 1980s. It has continued to evolve. Zachman recognized that in creating buildings, airplanes, enterprises, value chains, projects, or systems, there are many audiences, and each has a different perspective about architecture. He applied this concept to the requirements for different types and levels of architecture within an enterprise.

    The Zachman framework is an ontology - the 6 x 6 matrix comprises the complete set of models required to describe an enterprise and the relationships between them. It does not define how to create the models. It simply shows what models should exist.

    The two dimensions in the matrix framework are the communication interrogatives (i.e., what, how, where, who, when, why) as columns and the reification transformations (Identification, Definition, Representation, Specification, Configuration, and Instantiation) as rows. The framework classifications are represented by the cells (the intersection between the interrogatives and the transformations). Each cell in the Zachman framework represents a unique type of design artifact.

    Communication interrogatives are the fundamental questions that can be asked about any entity. Translated to enterprise architecture, the columns can be understood as follows:

    • What (the inventory column): Entities used to build the architecture

    • How (the process column): Activities performed

    • Where (the distribution column): Business location and technology location

    • Who (the responsibility column): Roles and organizations

    • When (the timing column): Intervals, events, cycles, and schedules

    • Why (the motivation column): Goals, strategies, and means

    Reification transformations represent the steps necessary to translate an abstract idea into a concrete instance (an instantiation). These are represented in the rows: planner, owner, designer, builder, implementer and user. Each has a different perspective on the overall process and different problems to solve. These perspectives are depicted as rows. For example, each perspective has a different relation to the What (inventory or data) column:

    • The executive perspective (business context): Lists of business elements defining scope in identification models.

    • The business management perspective (business concepts): Clarification of the relationships between business concepts defined by Executive Leaders as Owners in definition models.

    • The architect perspective (business logic): System logical models detailing system requirements and unconstrained design represented by Architects as Designers in representation models.

    • The engineer perspective (business physics): Physical models optimizing the design for implementation for specific use under the constraints of specific technology, people, costs, and timeframes specified by Engineers as Builders in specifications models.

    • The technician perspective (component assemblies): A technology-specific, out-of-context view of how components are assembled and operated configured by Technicians as Implementers in configuration models.

    • The user perspective (operations classes): Actual functioning instances used by Workers as Participants. There are no models in this perspective.

    As noted previously, each cell in the Zachman Framework represents a unique type of design artifact, defined by the intersection of its row and column. Each artifact represents how the specific perspective answers the fundamental questions.

  • 10/11/2023 9:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Welcome New Members!

    We'd like to welcome our 20 new Professional Members who have joined the chapter in Q2 & Q2 2023. We're thrilled you're here and hope you are enjoying all the perks of membership!

    • Allen A
    • Alyssa S
    • Brandon A
    • Devan D
    • Emilie A
    • Gisella B
    • Gurvirender T
    • Indira K
    • Jason V
    • Jon S
    • Joseph B
    • Lara S
    • Lee G
    • Linda G
    • Martin P
    • May C
    • Michael B
    • Michael P
    • Pete G
    • Zack R

    We also warmly welcome our 60 new Guest Members! We're excited you're here and hope you explore and find a way to connect with our community at an upcoming event.

  • 10/11/2023 7:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Primary Data Architecture outcomes include:

    • Data storage and processing requirements

    • Designs of structures and plans that meet the current and long-term data requirements of the enterprise

    Architects seek to design in a way that brings value to the organization. this values comes through an optimal technical footprint, operational and project efficiencies, and the increased ability of the organization to use its data. to get there requires good design, planning, and the ability to ensure that the designs and plans are executed effectively.

    To reach these goals, Data Architects define and maintain specifications that:

    • Define the current state of data in the organization

    • Provide a standard business vocabulary for data and components

    • Align Data Architecture with enterprise strategy and business architecture

    • Express strategic data requirements

    • Outline high-level integrated designs to meet these requirements

    • Integrate with overall enterprise architecture roadmap

    An overall Data Architecture practice includes:

    • Using Data Architecture artifacts (master blueprints) to define data requirements, guide data integration, control data assets, and align data investments with business strategy

    • Collaborating with, learning from and influencing various stakeholders that are engaged with improving the business or IT systems development

    • Using Data Architecture to establish the semantics of an enterprise, via a common business vocabulary

  • 10/07/2023 1:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    DAMA-RMC is looking for guest bloggers to be featured on our website, and in our newsletters and social media posts.  This is a great opportunity to grow your network and reach thousands of new contacts sharing your data knowledge and expertise.  Interested bloggers can reach out to Cher Fox, VP of Marketing at

    Details for submission and publishing are as follows:

    1. Guest bloggers will be featured in the members only section of our website.
    2. The guest blog and the blogger's contact information can be featured in our emailed monthly newsletter, which reaches about 600 members (pending delivery and approval by the time newsletters release later in the 2nd week of each month)
    3. The guest blog and the blogger's contact information will be featured in social media posts on Linked In and Twitter (reaches multiple 100s of 1000s of people) as well as a monthly Linked In newsletter.
    4. The guest blog and the blogger's contact information can be featured in DAMA-RMC Linked In newsletter (pending delivery and approval by the time newsletters release earlier in the 3rd week of each month)
    5. There is no compensation for guest blogging.  There is a trade in promotion of you and your contact information to our network.  An additional benefit could be an invitation to speak to our chapter in your area of expertise.
    6. When considering topics to submit, please refer to the Knowledge Areas in the DAMA Wheel below and additional DMBoK topics of data management, data handling ethics, big data, and data science.
    7. There is no character limit and longer blogs can certainly be published in multiple parts across weeks or months.
    8. Blogs should not be vendor specific. Case studies can mention vendors and should not be a sales pitch of vendor specific features.
    9. Submissions should be emailed to Cher Fox, VP of Marketing at, by the 1st day of each month to be considered and then reviewed/approved by the DAMA board before release.   
    10. Submissions should be new content from the blogger and not made available to the general public anywhere else for at least one month after DAMA publishing.

    For a range of submission topics, please refer to the DAMA Wheel:

    Thank you for your interest in being a guest blogger for DAMA-RMC.

  • 10/04/2023 7:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Issue Management is the process for identifying, quantifying, prioritizing, and resolving data governance-related issues, including:

    • Authority: Questions regarding decision rights and procedures

    • Change management escalations: Issues arising from the change management process

    • Compliance: Issues with meeting compliance requirements

    • Conflicts: Conflicting policies, procedures, business rules, names, definitions, standards, architecture, data ownerships and conflicting stakeholder interests in data and information

    • Conformance: Issue related to conformance to policies, standards, architecture, and procedures

    • Contracts: Negotiation and review of data sharing agreements, buying and selling data, and cloud storage

    • Data security and identity: Privacy and confidentiality issues, including breach investigations

    • Data quality: Detection and resolution of data quality issues, including disasters or security breaches

    Many issues can arise locally in Data Stewardship teams. Issues requiring communication and / or escalation must be logged, and may be escalated to the Data Stewardship teams, or higher to the DGC, as shown in this figure. A Data Governance scorecard can be used to identify trends related to issues, such as where within the organization they occur, what their root causes are, etc. Issues that cannot be resolved by the DGC should be escalated to corporate governance and / or management.

    Data governance requires control mechanisms and procedures for:

    • Identifying, capturing, logging, tracking and updating issues

    • Assignment and tracking of action items

    • Documenting stakeholder viewpoints and resolution alternatives

    • Determining, documenting, and communicating issue resolutions

    • Facilitating objective, neutral discussions where all viewpoints are heard

    • Escalating issues to higher levels of authority

    Data issue management is very important. It builds credibility for the DG team, has direct, positive effects on data consumers, and relieves the burden on production support teams. Solving issue management requires control mechanisms that demonstrate the work effort and impact of resolution.

  • 09/27/2023 7:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    While developing a basic definition of Data Governance (DG) is easy, creating an operating model that an organization will adopt can be difficult. Consider these areas when constructing an organization's operating model:

    • Value of data to the organization: If an organization sells data, obviously DG has a huge business impact. Organizations that use data as a crucial commodity (e.g. Facebook, Amazon) will need an operating model that reflects the role of the data. For organizations where data is an operational lubricant, the form of DG will be less intense.

    • Business model: Decentralized business vs. centralized, local vs. international, etc. are factors that influence how business occurs, and therefore, how the DG operating model is defined. Links with specific IT strategy, Data Architecture, and application integration functions should be reflected in the target operating framework design (per previous post on DMBoK Figure 16).

    • Cultural factors: Such as acceptance of discipline and adaptability to change. Some organizations will resist the imposition of governance by policy and principle. Governance strategy will need to advocate for an operating model that fits the organizational culture, while still progressing change.

    • Impact of regulation: Highly regulated organizations will have a different mindset and operating model of DG than those less regulated. There may be links to the Risk Management group or Legal as well.

    Layers of data governance are often part of the solution. This means determining where accountability should reside for stewardship activities, who owns the data, etc. The operating model also defines the interaction between the governance organization and the people responsible for data management projects or initiatives, the engagement of change management activities to introduce this new program, and the model for issue management resolution pathways through governance. This figure shows an example of an operating framework. The example is illustrative. This kind of artifact must be customized to meet the needs of a specific organization.

  • 09/20/2023 7:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Part of alignment includes developing organizational touchpoints for Data Governance work. The CDO Organizational Touch Points figure illustrates examples of touch points that support alignment and cohesiveness of an enterprise data governance and data management approach in areas outside the direct authority of the Chief Data Officer.

    • Procurements and Contracts: The CDO works with a Vendor/Partner Management or Procurement to develop and enforce standard contract language vis-a-vis data management contracts. These could include Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) and cloud-related procurements, other outsourcing arrangements, third-party development efforts, or content acquisition / licensing deals, and possibly data-centric IT tools acquisitions and upgrades.
    • Budget and Funding: If the CDO is not directly in control of all data acquisition-related budgets, then the office can be a focal point for preventing duplicate efforts and ensuring optimizations of acquired data assets.
    • Regulatory Compliance: The CDO understands and works within required local, national, and international regulatory environments, and how these impact the organization and their data management activities. Ongoing monitoring is performed to identify and track new and potential impacts and requirements.
    • SDLC / development framework: The data governance program identifies control points where enterprise policies, processes, and standards can be developed in the system or application development lifecycles.

    The touch points that the CDO influences support the organization's cohesiveness in managing its data, therefore, increasing its nimbleness to use its data. In essence, this is a vision of how DG will be perceived by the organization.

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