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DMBoK Figure 69 Application Coupling

07/31/2024 7:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Coupling describes the degree to which two systems are entwined. Two systems that are tightly coupled usually have a synchronous interface, where one system waits for a response from the other. Tight coupling represents a riskier operation: if one system is unavailable then they are both effectively unavailable, and the business continuity plan for both have to be the same.

Where possible, loose coupling is a preferred interface design, where data is passed between systems without waiting for a response and one system may be unavailable without causing the other to be unavailable. Loose coupling can be implemented using various techniques with services, APIs, or message queues. This figure illustrates a possible loose coupling design.

Service Oriented Architecture using an Enterprise Service Bus is an example of a loosely coupled data interaction design pattern.

Where the systems are loosely coupled, replacement of systems in the application inventory can theoretically be performed without rewriting the systems with which they interact, because the interaction points are well-defined.

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